1 Practice Management

Copyright in Social Media: Practical Risk Management

LawCPD author: Sharon Givoni
Sharon Givoni
Principal Sharon Givoni Consulting
1 CPD Point


Interactive Content
Self-Paced Completion
On-demand and on Any Device
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Social media has drastically altered the day-to-day realities of copyright law. This course explores common copyright issues that arise in the context of social media, and how to successfully mitigate these risks.

The Internet and social media have drastically and irreversibly altered the day-to-day realities of copyright law on a global scale.

Social networking services like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest make it easier than ever to share, alter and circulate all kinds of content to a global audience. These services provide many new opportunities for businesses, however; they also increase the risk businesses committing copyright infringement, or having their own copyright infringed.

This course discusses the common copyright issues that arise in the context of social media, both for businesses creating their own content and those sharing content created by others. The course explores topics including:

  • fair use
  • implied licencing
  • copyright infringement
  • account ownership
  • advising on social media policies.

The course provides practical examples to enable lawyers to readily identify potential risks as well as discussing how to mitigate these risks.

​Need more than one CPD point? Save 20% when you purchase this course as part of our One-Click CPD Compliance Packs!


Last Reviewed: February 2024

Meet the expert

LawCPD author: Sharon Givoni
Sharon Givoni
Principal Sharon Givoni Consulting

Sharon has over 20 years of experience in IP and commercial law. She acts for clients both in Australia and abroad, and has delivered talks on Australian IP law at international events.

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  1. 5.0/5
    Great course
    This was a useful course for understanding the key considerations for adhering to copyright in social media and how to minimise risk in this area.
  2. 5.0/5
    Interesting course
    A very interesting topic with engaging and relevant case studies.