You are probably already aware that there are some specific work-related expenses you can claim as a lawyer. But are you sure you are claiming everything you are entitled to in order to - hopefully - receive some cash back?
LawCPD has been named as a finalist in the prestigious Australasian Lawyer and NZ Lawyer Service Provider Awards 2023, in the category of 'Legal Education'. This recognition highlights LawCPD's commitment to delivering cutting-edge online CPD for the legal profession in Australia. The awards acknowledge LawCPD's dedication to providing accessible, relevant, and innovative CPD courses curated by leading legal experts.
Say hello to our brand-new AI-powered learning tool - a world first innovation from the LawCPD team! Learn more about this groundbreaking addition to our set of interactive activities that will redefine how you engage with online legal education.
Explore how social media is changing the legal landscape in Australia. Learn about increased scrutiny, defamation rules, data privacy changes, and how continuous learning can keep legal professionals ahead of the curve.
Lawyers have emerged from a year of whirlwind change, with 2023 shaping up to be even more eventful. Check out the most popular professional development topics that you will need to keep ahead of this wave and succeed in the year ahead.
With the legal CPD deadline fast approaching, you might be looking for ideas on what topics you should prioritise with your next CPD course. That’s why we have put together a list of the 10 most popular courses so far in 2022. We hope it will help you choose your next interactive course and get CPD compliant online before March 31!
The team at LawCPD is very excited to share the news of the release of our brand new online learning platform - packed with great new features to make online legal CPD even better.
If you are a lawyer practicing in WA, you might be wondering which CPD activities are still available to you following the CPDMS requirements implemented by the Legal Practice Board of WA. Fortunately, LawCPD is fully compliant with the system - which means you can continue to claim up to 10 CPD points towards your annual compliance with us. Click to learn more.
Leading a law practice in today's changing legal landscape is challenging - serving clients, managing employees, and overseeing finances are just a few of the daily tasks of a business owner. Taking a short break from the office seems impossible. Something needs to change, but how do you go about it? You redesign your law firm.
LawCPD has unveiled its new learner dashboard - MyCPD - which enables lawyers to get real-time updates on their CPD compliance, receive personalised recommendations and rapidly share a summary of the CPD activities with external stakeholders.